Sunday 23 September 2012

Nama bayi perempuan mengikut Islam.


Abia - Great

Abida - Worshipper

Abir, Abeer - Fragrance

Ablah, Abla' - Perfectly formed

Abra - Example, lesson

A'dab - Hope and need

Adara - Virgin

Adiba - Cultured, polite

Adila, Adilah, Adeela - Equal

Adiva - Pleasant, gentle

Afaf - Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure

Afifah - Chaste

Afra' - White

Ahd - Pledge, knowledge

Ahlam - Witty; one who has pleasant dreams; imaginative

A'idah, Aida - Visiting, returning; reward

Ain - Eye, thus "precious"

Aini - Spring, flower, source, choice

A'ishah, Aisha, Ayishah - Living, prosperous, youngest wife of the Prophet (pbuh)

Akilah - Intelligent, logical, one who reasons

Alhena - A ring; (A star in the constellation Gemini)

Alima - Wise

Alimah - Skilled in music or dance

Aliyyah, Aliah, A'lia - Exaulted, noble, highest social standing

Almas - Diamond

Aludra - Virgin

Alzubra - (A star in the constellation Leo)

Amal, A'mal, Amala - Hopes, aspirations

Amani - Wishes, aspirations

Amatullah - Female servant of Allah

Amber - Jewel

Aminah, Ameena - Trustworthy, faithful

Amineh - Faithful

Amirah, Ameera - Princess, leader

Amtullah - Female servant of Allah

Anan - Clouds

Anbar - Perfume, ambergris

Anisah - Close, intimate, good friend

Anwar - Rays of light

Ara - Opinions

Areebah - Witty, smart

Arub - Loving to her husband

Asima - Protector

Asiya - One who tends to the weak, one who heals

Asma' - Excellent, precious; daughter of Abu Bakr

Atifa - Affection, sympathy

Atiya - Gift

Ayah - Sign; distinct

Azhar - Flowers, blossoms

Azizah, Azeeza - Esteemed, precious, cherished

Azzah - Young, female gazelle


Badi'a - Unprecedented, admirable, unique

Badra - Full moon

Badriyyah - Resembling the full moon

Bahira, Baheera - Dazzling, brilliant

Bahiya - Beautiful, radiant

Balqis - Name of the Queen of Sheba

Banan - Delicate, finger tips

Baraka - White one

Bari'ah - Excelling

Barika - Bloom, be successful

Bashirah, Basheera - Bringer of good tidings, joy

Basimah, Baseema - Smiling

Basmah - A smile

Batul, Batool - Ascetic virgin

Bilqis - Queen of Sheeba

Bushra - Good Omen

Buthaynah, Buthayna - Of beautiful and tender body


Cala - Castle

Cantara - Small bridge


Dahab - Gold

Dalal - Treated or touched in a kind and loving way

Duha, Dhuha - Forenoon


Fadilah, Fadheela - Virtuous, outstanding, superior, cultured and refined

Fadwa - Name derived from self-sacrifice

Faizah - Victorious, winner

Falak - Star

Farah - Joy

Faridah, Fareeda - Unique, matchless, precious pearl or gem

Farihah, Fareeha - Happy, joyful, cheerful, glad

Fatimah, Fatima - Accustom; Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)

Fatin or Fatinah - Captivating, alluring, enchanting

Fawziyyah, Fawziya, Fazia - Successful, victorious

Fellah - Arabian jasmine

Firyal - Name

Firdaws, Firdoos - Highest garden in Paradise


Ghadah - Beautiful

Ghaliyah - Fragrant

Ghaniyah - Pretty girl, beautiful woman, beauty

Ghayda - Young and delicate

Ghusun, Ghusoon - Branches of a tree


Habibah - Beloved, sweetheart, darling

Hadiya - Guide to righteousness

Hadiyyah - A gift

Hafsah - Wife of the Prophet (pbuh)

Hafthah - Preserved, protected

Haifa, Hayfa' - Slender, of beautiful body

Halah - Aureole

Halimah, Haleema - Gentle, patient, mild-tempered

Hamidah, Hameeda - Praiseworthy

Hana' - Happiness

Hanan - Mercy

Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa - True believer

Haniyyah - Pleased, happy

Hasna' - Beautiful

Hayam - Deliriously in love

Hayat - Life

Hessa - Destiny

Hibah - Gift

Hind - Proper name

Huda, Hooda - Right guidance

Huma - Bird who brings joy

Huriyyah, Hooriya - Angel

Husn - Beauty

Husniyah - Beautiful


Ibtihaj - Joy

Ikram - Honor, hospitality, generosity

Ilham - Intuition

Iman - Faith, belief

Imtithal - Polite obedience

In'am - Kindness, benefaction, bestowal

Inas - Sociability

Inaya - Concern; solicitude

Intisar - Triumph

Izdihar - Flourishing, blooming


Jala' - Clarity, elucidation

Jamilah, Jameela - Beautiful, graceful, lovely

Janan - Heart, soul

Johara - Jewel

Jumanah - Silver pearl


Kalila - Sweetheart, beloved

Kamilah - Perfect

Karida - Untouched

Karimah, Kareema - Generous, noble

Kawthar - River in Paradise

Khadijah, Khadeeja - First wife of the Prophet (pbuh)

Khalidah - Immortal

Khayriyyah, Khairiya - Charitable, good

Khulud, Khulood - Immortality

Kulthum, Kulthoom - Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)


Lama - Darkness of lips

Lamis, Lamees - Soft to the touch

Lamya' - Of dark lips

Latifah, Lateefa - Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly

Layla, Leila - (Born at) night

Lina, Leena - Tender

Lubabah - The innermost essence

Luloah - A pearl

Lu'lu' - Pearls


Madihah, Madeeha - Praiseworthy

Maha - Wild cow, cow-eyes

Ma'isah - Walking with a proud, swinging gait

Maizah - Discerning

Majidah, Majeeda - Glorious

Makarim - Of good and honorable character

Malak - Angel

Malika - Queen

Manal - Attainment, achievement

Manar - Guiding light

Maram - Asperation

Mariam, Maryam - Mother of Jesus (pbuh); Arabic form of "Mary"

Mas'ouda - Happy, lucky, fortunate

Mawiyah - The essence of life

Maymunah - Auspicious, blessed

May - Old Arabic name

Maysa' - To walk with a proud, swinging gait

Maysun, Maysoon - Of beautiful face and body

Mayyadah - To walk with a proud, swinging gait

Mufidah, Mufeeda - Useful

Muhjah - Heart's blood, soul

Muminah - Pious believer

Muna, Mona - Wish, desire

Munirah, Muneera - Illuminating, shedding light

Mushirah, Musheera - Giving counsel, advising

Muslimah - Devout believer


Nabihah, Nabeeha - Intelligent

Nabilah, Nabeela - Noble

Nada - Generousity, dew

Nadia - The beginning, first

Nadidah, Nadeeda - Equal, rival

Nadirah - Rare, precious

Nadwah - Councel

Nafisah, Nafeesa - Precious thing, gem

Nahlah - A drink of water

Na'ilah - Acquirer, obtainer, one who succeeds

Na'ima, Na'imah - Comfort, amenity, tranquility, peace

Najah - Success

Najat - Safety

Najibah, Najeeba - Of noble birth

Najiyah - Safe

Najla - Of wide eyes

Najwa - Confidential talk, secret conversation

Najya - Victorious

Nashida - Student

Nashita Energetic, full of life

Nashwa - Fragrance, perfume, that which intoxicates

Nasiha - One who gives valuable advice

Nasira - Victorious, helper

Nathifa - Clean, pure

Nawal - Gift

Nawar - Flower

Nazahah - Purity, righteousness, honesty

Nazihah - Honest

Nazirah - Like, equal, matching

Nibal - Arrows

Nida - Call

Ni'mah - Blessing, loan

Ni'mat - Blessings, loans

Nouf - Highest point on a mountain

Nudar, Nudhar - Gold

Nuha - Intelligence

Numa - Beautiful and pleasant

Nur, Noor - Light


Qubilah - Concord


Rabab - White cloud

Rabi'ah - Garden, springtime

Radeyah, Radhiya - Content, satisfied

Radwa, Radhwa - A mountain in Medina

Rafa' - Happiness, prosperity

Raghd - Pleasant

Rahimah - Merciful, compassionate

Ra'idah - Leader

Raja' - Hopeful

Rana - To gaze, look

Rand - Tree of good scent

Raniyah - Gazing

Rasha - Young gazelle

Rashida, Rasheeda - Wise, mature

Rawdah, Rawdha - Garden

Rawiyah - Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry

Rayya - Sated with drink

Rida - Favored by God

Rihana - Sweet basil

Rim, Reem - Gazelle

Rima, Reema - White antelope

Rukan - Steady, confident

Ruqayyah, Ruqaya - Gentle; Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)

Ruwaydah - Walking gently


Sabah - Morning

Sabirah - Patient

Safa - Clarity, purity, serenity

Safiyyah - Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend

Sahar - Dawn

Sahlah - Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing

Saidah - Happy, fortunate

Saihah - Good, useful

Sakinah, Sakeena - God-inspired peace of mind, tranquility

Salihah - Correct, agreeable

Salimah, Saleema - Peace, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy

Salma - Peaceful

Salwa - Solace; quail

Samah - Generosity

Samar - Evening conversation

Sameh - Forgiver

Samihah, Sameeha - Generous

Samira, Sameera - Entertaining female companion

Samiyah - Elevated, exhalted, lofty

Sana' - Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze or look

Sawsan - Lily of the valley

Shadha - Aromatic

Shadiyah - Singer

Shahrazad - Teller of "Tales of 1,001 Nights"

Sharifah, Shareefa - Noble

Siham - Arrows

Souad or Su'ad

Suha - Name of a star

Suhailah, Suhaylah, Suhayla - Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing

Suhaymah - Small arrow

Suhayr, Suhair - Proper name

Sumayyah, Sumaiya - Proper name


Tahirah - Pure, chaste

Takiyah - Pious, righteous

Talibah - Seeker after knowledge

Tarub, Taroob - Merry

Thana' - Thankfulness

Thara' - Wealth

Thurayya - Star


Umayma - Little mother


Wafa' - Faithfulness

Wafiqah, Wafeeqa - Successful

Wafiyyah, Wafiya - Loyal, faithful

Wahibah - Giver, donor

Wajihah, Wajeeha - Eminent, distinguished

Walidah - Newborn

Warda, Wardah, Wordah - Rose

Widad - Love, friendship

Wijdan - Ecstacy, sentiment

Wisal - Communion in love


Yafiah - High

Yakootah - Emerald

Yamha - Dove

Yaminah - Right and proper

Yasirah - Lenient

Yasmine, Yasmin, Yasmeen - Jasmine

Yumn - Good fortune, success

Yusra - Proper name


Zafirah - Victorious, successful

Zahirah - Shining, luminous

Zahra' - White

Zahrah - Flower, beauty, star

Zainab, Zaynab - Daughter of the Prophet (pbuh)

Zakiyyah - Pure

Zaynah, Zaina - Beautiful

Zubaidah - Excellent

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